Tuesday, November 4, 2014

2014 Mid Term Election

If I was 18 who would I vote for in the 2014 Mid Term Election? Before I decided there are 5 main issues to take into consideration in which Martha Coakley and Charlie Baker have different views on.

First is early education and K-12. Here I have to go with Coakley. I like how her focus is on early childhood education. This is where children are growing and there brains are developing. It is important that they get a good education at this period of time. I like how Coakley plans to make early education accesible to all children including in impoverished areas.

On the issue of higher education and its cost, I agree with Baker. I like his idea of shortening the years to get a bachelors or masters degree. Doing this will save someone a whole year of tuition and fees in addition to many other costs. In addition, the sooner students get degrees, the sooner they are able to get to work and get experience.

Next is the debate for sick time for workers. I am for Coakley's Plan. I do not like Baker's plan in which only businesses with 50+ workers would be eligible. Unlike Baker's plan, Coakely's plan includes businesses with just 11+ people. This gives more people the opportunity for sick days.

For the welfare reform issue, I disagree with Baker so I would have to go with Coakley. I don't think it would be right for people on welfare to have a better advantage of getting a job over other people who work just as hard who are not on welfare. I agree with Coakley on how for the most part, welfare is just being used for alcohol, tobacco, and other unnecessary things.

Lastly, I do not like Baker's contradictory view on climate change so Coakley's plan seems more appealing. Although I do like the idea of the windmill project in New Bedford, I like Coakley's plan of taking action towards helping the environment.

In the end, after thinking about the main issues, I would vote for Martha Coakley. Her plans are more appealing than those of Charlie Baker.


  1. I really liked your blog Sophia! I liked how you not only went into detail about Coakelys plan, but Bakers too! It was an overall great blog!

  2. You present both parties very well in your blog. I like how you clearly structured your paragraphs and statements about the issues were.
