Sunday, October 26, 2014

Lincoln Discussion

In the movie Lincoln, we see Lincoln trying to pass the 13th amendment to abolish slavery and it is not easy. The Republicans wanted the 13th amendment to be passed, while the Democrats were against it. The main reason is racism. Democratic representatives did not want to pass the amendment because they did not want African Americans to be able to vote, own property, and most importantly, take jobs away from white men. They were afraid of the thought of all slaves being freed at the same time. It was also difficult because his own cabinet members did not agree with him for the majority of the time.

Lincoln also uses implied powers. For example he twists the truth about a peace delegation in Richmond, Virginia. To get the amendment to pass, he writes a note to the members of the House of Representatives that he does not know of any delegation. He also promised Lame Duck politicians jobs. Lame Ducks are politicians that are not to be re-elected in the next election. Because they would have to search for a job, they might have swayed to the majority opinion, to not pass the amendment. So the offer of a job appealed to them so they voted for the amendment. Doing that was not exactly morally right.
Lincoln needed to pass the 13th amendment because without changing the Constitution, the Emancipation Proclamation could be abolished. If he lost reelection, the Emancipation Proclamation could be removed. That is why Lincoln wanted to get the amendment passed as soon as he could. The passing of the amendment would also lead to the end of the Civil War.

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