Monday, December 8, 2014

President Obama's Executive Order

President Obama has recently announced that he is carrying out an executive order regarding immigration. His executive order gives immigrants temporary protection from deportation in addition to keeping children, who are legal U.S. citizens and residents, with their parents. I believe it is constitutional. I believe that children should not be separated from their families. Most immigrants are contributing to the United States and are actually helping it. 

Obama's executive action is strengthening our immigration system. It makes it easier for felons to be deported. This will keep immigrants who are helping our country in, while deporting immigrants who do not follow the rules. For example, parents with kids who are born the in United States have extended time here. These parents are actually working to support their family. There is also more enforcement at borders to keep illegal immigrants out. 

Many of the previous presidents have placed executive orders. There were most likely many people who were against them, for there is never anything in politics in which everyone can agree on. Presidents in the past have done the same thing Obama is doing. All of these presidents are doing what they believe is for the best of the United States.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Head of State

In the movie Head of State, Chris Rock plays an alderman named Mays Gilliam. In the beginning of the movie, he helps out the people in his town and everyone knows him. After one of the candidates die from a plane crash, Mays is chosen to run for President. At first, he is given cue cards and is told what to say, how to act, and what to wear.

Towards the middle of the movie, he makes the decision of doing his campaign the way he wants to. He speaks from his own heart and does what he thinks is right. He also dresses in his own clothes instead of the suits. We see him go into a store wearing a suit and he comes out wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants. Towards the end of his campaign, Mays turns out to be an actual threat to Brian Lewis, the other presidential candidate. 

Although some of the things he says on television and in his speeches are not what candidates would typically say, Mays understands and can relate to lower and middle class people and they love him. In many of his speeches he swears but he has experienced all of the troubles they have been through and understands them. He can represent them and help them. He uses this to get people's support and votes. In the end, he wins the race for President of the United States.

The movie also satirizes political parties in many scenes. For example, in the very beginning of the movie, some guys are shown in a car listening to a rap radio station. An announcement from the news comes on for a moment saying one of the presidential candidates have died in an airplane crash. The Right after the announcement the music comes back on and the people do not even react to what they just heard. This shows how a lot of people do not even pay attention to the government or care about it.

At the start of his campaign, Mays travels around the U.S. to get votes. For each place he goes, he says the same thing from a card that will appeal to the people he is speaking to. This shows how political parties say what the people want to hear. For instance, he goes to a farm and tells them how important the workers are to gain their support.