If the United States did not have a government we would be living in one big mess. We would be living in an anarchy. Without the government we would not have laws, and without laws people would go around doing anything they want, good or bad. Without them our lives are unpredictable.
Life without laws would literally be like
The Purge, the movie. In
The Purge all illegal acts are legal for 12 hours. I believe this movie truly portrays what life would be like without a government. The crime rate in America would sky rocket and everything would just be a complete disaster. We would live our lives in fear every single moment because laws keep us safe and give us security.
You could also compare a life without government to
The Dark Knight Rises where the people choose their leaders whether they are credible to do their job or not
. For example the people in Gotham have their own court with Dr. Jonathan Crane as the "judge". The defendants are offered a choice, death or exile, although both choices end up the same. So there could possibly be some form of organization and structure, but it would most likely be controlled by anarchists and/or terrorists.
The government also provides us things such as education, roads and highways, hospitals, food, water, and money. Without it individuals and families would be on their own. We would all be living individually by getting our own food, teaching ourselves, etc.
I believe that we organized a government to keep life orderly and safe instead of chaotic and dangerous. With the government our lives are secure. Although people do still commit crimes, laws are enforced better with the police and punishment. I also believe that it was created to help our relationships with other countries.
We are very lucky to be able to live the lives we have. Without a government our lives would be flipped upside-down.